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Esders Pi NOTE mobile GIS client
Esders Pi NOTE mobile GIS clientThe Esders Pipeline inspection NOTE (Pi NOTE) is a GIS-(geoinformation system) based client specially developed for the systematic pipeline inspection according to German DVGW G 465-1 The Esdres Pi NOTE mobile client comprises the follwing possibilities: - Pairing of measuring device and external GPS receiver via Bluetooth - GPS-based positioning and automatic centering of GIS-data - Documentation of GPS position, measuring data, sensitivity check of measuring device, date & time, defects, notes, accessible and non-accessible areas (e. g. houese service connection), classification of leakages - Generation of relevant drawings of leakages on site - Administration of measuring campaigns and examination sections The mobile optimized view enables the complete documentation during inspection, e. g. with enlarged icons Prerequisite for purchasing the software is the conclusion of a corresponding maintenance contract.
LTE data package
LTE data packageLTE data package An LTE data package permits the transmission of 100 measurements with Esders Connect/E-Mail (report e.g. in PDF-format)
Installation Esders Pi NOTE mobile GIS client
Installation Esders Pi NOTE mobile GIS client Installation Esders Pi NOTE mobile GIS client per workplace including import and conversion of existing data, user and layer configuration
Annual maintenance fee per Esders Pi NOTE mobile client
Annual maintenance fee per Esders Pi NOTE mobile client- Software-updates - Technical support
Software for PressureLogger 4 PC1 V3
Software for PressureLogger 4 PC1 V3

Software module PC1 Vers. 3 for PressureLogger 4 - licence for 1 workstation - for MS Windows 7/8/10 - can be used with 32 and 64 bit operation systems - software for easy documentation of measurements and tightness tests - database function for managing all measurements - grafical visualisation and print out of all measurements
Moduł oprogramowania do ręcznych urządzeń pomiarowych
Moduł oprogramowania do ręcznych urządzeń pomiarowychModuł oprogramowania HMG PC1 V3 dla MS Windows 7/8/10 - licencja na 1 stanowisko pracy - może być używany z 32 i 64-bitowymi systemami operacyjnymi - oprogramowanie do łatwej dokumentacji pomiarów i prób szczelności - baza danych do administrowania wszystkimi pomiarami - wizualizacja graficzna i wydruk wszystkich pomiarów
Installation Esders Pi NOTE mobile client additional workplace
Installation Esders Pi NOTE mobile client additional workplaceInstallation Esders Pi NOTE mobile GIS client additional workplace Installation Pi NOTE mobile GIS client per workplace with the same GIS data, user and layer configuration
User- and administration training location Esders GmbH
User- and administration training location Esders GmbHOne-day introduction and intensive training on the Esders Pi NOTE mobile client incl. practical test in Haselünne, Germany (max. 3 participants)
Esders Pi NOTE analysis client for up to 10 users
Esders Pi NOTE analysis client for up to 10 usersEsders Pi NOTE analysis client for up to 10 users The Pipeline inspection NOTE analysis client for up to 10 users was mainly developed for the up- and downstream tasks of the systematic pipeline inspection. The Pi NOTE analysis client comprises the following possibilities: - Consolidation of data from the Pi NOTE mobile client - Administration of measuring campaigns and examination sections - Post-processing and evaluation of collected data - Filtering of data based on campaigns and examinations for individual visualizations and assessments - grid overlapping analyses - export function Prerequisite for purchasing the software is the conclusion of a corresponding maintenance contract.
User- and administration training (online)
User- and administration training (online)Online-introduction and intensive training on the Esders Pi NOTE mobile client (max. 3 participants)
Esders Pi NOTE server installation for usage of analysis client
Esders Pi NOTE server installation for usage of analysis clientEsders Pi NOTE server installation for usage of analysis client Installation and setup of Esders Pi NOTE server including import of GIS data, map data, user and layer configuration
Oprogramowanie PC1 V3 GOLIAT
Oprogramowanie PC1 V3 GOLIAT- licencja na 1 stanowisko pracy - może być używany z 32 i 64-bitowymi systemami operacyjnymi - oprogramowanie do łatwej dokumentacji pomiarów - oprogramowanie do kalibracji i regulacji GOLIATH - ustawianie limitów alarmowych - ustawienie gazu testowego - baza danych do administrowania wszystkimi pomiarami - wizualizacja graficzna i wydruk wszystkich pomiarów - wolne pola danych np. dla: lokalizacji i nazwy klienta, adresu, materiału, wymiarów, długości
Annual maintenance fee Esders Pi NOTE analysis client up to 10 user
Annual maintenance fee Esders Pi NOTE analysis client up to 10 user- Software-updates - Technical support
Setup Pi NOTE server per Esders Pi NOTE mobile client
Setup Pi NOTE server per Esders Pi NOTE mobile clientEstablishing data alignment between Esders Pi NOTE mobile client and Pi NOTE server
Software module DruckTest memo/GT
Software module DruckTest memo/GTSoftware module DruckTest memo PC1 V3 for MS Windows 7/8/10 - licence for 1 workstation - can be used with 32 and 64 bit operation systems - software for easy documentation of measurements and tightness tests - data base for administration of all measurements - grafical visualisation and print out of all measurements - free data fields for example for: site and customer name, adress, material, dimensions, length
Creation of customised test reports
Creation of customised test reportsCreation of specific report templates according to the customer's specifications for standard test procedures. As a rule, a free standard report belongs to each test procedure. This can be replaced by a customer-specific report. Billing is per report and test sequence. In case of adaptations of the test sequence due to changes of the underlying regulations (standards, technical rules, etc.), only an automatic adaptation of the standard report is carried out, if required. Any necessary adaptation of the customer-specific report must be ordered separately. If required, please contact our IT support at or +49 5961/9565-20.
Software Esders Device Online
Software Esders Device OnlineSoftware Esders Device Online free off charge with bluetooth device PC-Software for display of HUNTER (251001) and GOLIATH measured value on a notebook. Connection of the measuerement device via communication station bluetooth or bluetooth.
Esders Pi NOTE analysis client for up to 25 users
Esders Pi NOTE analysis client for up to 25 usersPi NOTE analysis client for up to 25 users The Esders Pipeline inspection NOTE analysis client for up to 10 users was mainly developed for the up- and downstream tasks of the systematic pipeline inspection. The Esders Pi NOTE analysis client comprises the following possibilities: - Consolidation of data from the Esders Pi NOTE mobile client - Administration of measuring campaigns and examination sections - Post-processing and evaluation of collected data - Filtering of data based on campaigns and examinations for individual visualizations and assessments - grid overlapping analyses - export function Prerequisite for purchasing the software is the conclusion of a corresponding maintenance contract.
Installation Esders Pi NOTE mobile GIS client additional workplace
Installation Esders Pi NOTE mobile GIS client additional workplaceInstallation Esders Pi NOTE mobile GIS client additional workplace Installation Pi NOTE mobile GIS client per workplace with different GIS data, user and layer configuration
Update of customised test reports
Update of customised test reportsAdaptation of specific report templates according to the customer's specifications for standard test procedures (e.g. due to changes in the associated test procedure because of changes in the underlying standards, technical rules, etc.). Billing is made per report and test sequence. If required, please contact our IT support at or +49 5961/9565-20.
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